kobold stuff



front back
high /i/ [i ~ ɨ] i /ɯ/ [ɨ ~ ɯ] u
mid /e/ [e ~ ɘ] e /ʌ/ [ɜ ~ ʌ] o
low /æ/ [æ ~ ɐ] a /ɑ/ [ɐ ~ ɑ] å

several consonants can also be syllable nuclei:

front-ish back-ish misc
nasal /n̩/ [n̟̩ʲ ~ ɳ̩ˠ] nn /ŋ̩/ [ɲ̩ ~ ŋ̩] ŋŋ /m̩/ mm
lateral /l̩/ [l̟̩ʲ ~ ɭ̝̩ˠ] ll /ʟ̩/ [ʎ̩ ~ ʟ̩] łł
fricative /ʝ̩/ jj /ɣ̩/ [ɣ̩ʲ ~ ʁ̩] hh /z̩/ [z̟̩ʲ ~ ʐ̩ˠ] zz
trill /ʀ̩/ řř /r̩/ rr


labialO dentalF alveolarB retroflexB palatalF velarB uvularB glottalO
plosive /t̟/ /t̠/ t /ʈ/ d /c/ c /k/ k /q/ q /ʔ/ ɂ
ejective /t̟ʼ/ ṭṭ /t̠ʼ/ tt /ʈʼ/ dd /cʼ/ cc /kʼ/ kk
fricative /β/ v /z̟/ /z̠/ z /ʐ/ ž /ʝ/ j /ɣ/ g /h/ h
/ɸ/ f /s̟/ /s̠/ s /ʂ/ š
nasal /m/ m /n̠/ n /ɳ/ ň /ɲ/ ñ /ŋ/ ŋ
lateral /l̟/ /l̠/ l /ʎ/ y /ʟ/ ł
trill /r/O r /ʀ/ ř

word structure

i need to redo this lol


syllables are categorised into one of three weight categories.

then, the stress rules are:

  1. if there are any superheavy syllables, then the first one of them is stressed.
  2. otherwise, if there are any heavy syllables other than the last, then the first of them is stressed. (a final heavy syllable is not stressed.)
  3. otherwise, all syllables are light, and the first syllable is stressed.
  4. secondary stress is every second syllable in each direction from the primary stress.


(all proper names. also might be replaced with something more complex)